Sennheiser Work Light Set 830 TV User Manual

Cordless TV Listening System  
Set 830-TV  
Instruction manual  
Safety instructions ................................................................. 2  
Delivery includes ..................................................................... 4  
Product overview .................................................................... 5  
Putting the Set 830-TV into operation .............................. 6  
Setting up the transmitter ............................................... 6  
Using the Set 830-TV ........................................................... 11  
Switching the transmitter on/off ................................. 11  
Switching the receiver on/off ........................................ 12  
Adjusting the volume ...................................................... 13  
Adjusting the balance .................................................... 13  
Storing and charging the receiver ................................ 16  
transmitter’s charging compartment ......................... 17  
What if... ................................................................................. 18  
...this indicator lights up? ............................................... 18 press this button? ................................................. 18 hear warning signals? .......................................... 19  
Cleaning the Set 830-TV ..................................................... 20  
Cleaning the ear pads ...................................................... 20  
If a problem occurs ... ........................................................... 21  
Additional technical information ...................................... 23  
Accessories and spare parts ............................................... 26  
Specifications ........................................................................ 27  
Manufacturer Declarations ................................................. 29  
Index ........................................................................................ 31  
Safety instructions  
Safety instructions  
• Please read this instruction manual carefully and completely before  
using the devices.  
• Make this instruction manual easily accessible to all users at all  
times. Always include this instruction manual when passing the  
devices on to third parties.  
• Do not use the devices in situations which require special attention  
(e.g. when performing skilled jobs).  
• Always keep the devices dry and do not expose them to extreme  
• Use the devices with care and set them up in a clean, dust-free envi-  
• Varnish or furniture polish may degrade the feet of the transmitter,  
which could stain your furniture. You should therefore place the  
transmitter on a non-slip pad to avoid potential staining of furni-  
• The receiver generates stronger permanent magnetic fields that  
could cause interference with cardiac pacemakers and implanted  
defibrillators (ICDs).  
̈ Always maintain a distance of at least 3.94” (10 cm) between the  
ends of the earbows with the ear pads and the cardiac pacemaker or  
implanted defibrillator.  
• This receiver allows you to set higher volumes than conventional  
headphones. This can cause hearing damage in persons with healthy  
hearing and especially in children.  
• Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. Servicing is  
required if the devices have been damaged in any way, such as  
mains cable or plug damage, liquid has been spilled, objects have  
fallen inside, the devices have been exposed to rain or moisture, do  
not operate properly or have been dropped.  
• WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose  
the device and the mains unit to rain or moisture.  
• Use only the supplied mains unit.  
• Disconnect the mains connector from the wall socket  
– to completely disconnect the device from the mains,  
– during lightning storms or when unused for long periods of time.  
• Ensure that the mains unit is:  
– always readily operable and easily accessible,  
– properly plugged into the wall socket,  
– not covered or exposed to direct sunlight for longer periods of  
time in order to prevent heat accumulation,  
– only operated within the permissible temperature range (see  
– not operated near heat sources.  
Safety instructions  
Intended use  
Intended use includes:  
• having read this instruction manual, especially the chapter “Safety  
instructions” on page 2,  
• using the devices within the operating conditions and limitations  
described in this instruction manual.  
“Improper use” means using the devices other than as described in this  
instruction manual, or under operating conditions which differ from  
those described herein.  
Safety instructions for the Lithium-Polymer rechargeable battery  
The BA 300 is a Lithium-Polymer rechargeable battery. If abused or  
misused, this rechargeable battery may be damaged. Please under-  
stand that Sennheiser does not accept liability for damage arising from  
abuse or misuse.  
WARNING! In extreme cases, the rechargeable battery may even  
present a  
• heat hazard,  
• fire hazard,  
• explosion hazard,  
• smoke and gas hazard.  
Do not heat above  
70°C/158°F, e.g. do  
not expose to sunlight  
or throw into a fire.  
Only charge rechargeable  
batteries with the appro-  
priate Sennheiser chargers.  
Do not expose to  
When not using the  
rechargeable battery for  
extended periods of time,  
charge it regularly (every  
six months for about one  
Do not short-circuit.  
Only charge rechargeable  
batteries at ambient tem-  
peratures between 10°C/  
50°F and 40°C/104°F.  
Do not mutilate or  
Do not charge the  
rechargeable battery if  
the device is obviously  
Store the devices/  
Return defective devices  
or devices with defective  
rechargeable batteries to  
your specialist dealer.  
rechargeable batteries  
in a cool and dry place  
at room temperature.  
Delivery includes  
Delivery includes  
Delivery of the Set 830-TV system includes:  
1 RI 830 stethoset receiver  
with BA 300 Lithium-Polymer rechargeable battery  
1 TI 830 transmitter with integrated charging  
1 NT 13 mains unit  
with 3 country adapters (EU, UK, US)  
1 audio connection cable  
with two 3.5 mm stereo jack plugs  
for connection to a headphone socket  
3 audio adapters:  
1 adapter 3.5 mm to ¼“ (6.3 mm) jack plug  
1 adapter for RCA socket  
1 SCART adapter for SCART socket  
2 pairs of spare ear pads  
1 instruction manual  
Product overview  
Product overview  
The overview pictures of the stethoset receiver and the  
transmitter can be found on the inside front cover of this  
instruction manual.  
Stethoset receiver  
1 Volume control  
3 Battery compartment  
2 Balance control  
4 Charging compartment for receiver  
5 Charging compartment for optional spare  
rechargeable battery  
6 Charging indicator for optional spare rechargeable  
7 Charging indicator for receiver’s rechargeable  
8 Operation indicator  
9 “Speech intelligibility” button  
0 Indicator for the selected speech intelligibility  
A Socket (marked blue) for connection of sound source or  
external microphone  
B Mono/stereo slide switch  
C Treble adjustment control  
D DC socket (marked yellow) for connection of mains unit  
Putting the Set 830-TV into operation  
Putting the Set 830-TV into  
Setting up the transmitter  
̈ Place the transmitter so that:  
– there are no obstacles in the light path between  
transmitter and receiver and  
– transmitter and receiver are not exposed to direct  
sunlight. Direct sunlight may interfere with the recep-  
tion and may damage the transmitter.  
If you are using a plasma TV screen:  
Plasma TV screens radiate an infra-red signal that can  
adversely affect the transmission quality.  
̈ Make sure that the transmitter is placed as far as  
possible from your plasma TV screen.  
̈ If necessary, use a standard extension cable with 3.5 mm  
stereo jack plug to reduce the distance between trans-  
mitter and receiver. This extension cable is available from  
your Sennheiser partner.  
One transmitter can be used to transmit to several  
receivers on the same frequency.  
Putting the Set 830-TV into operation  
Connecting the transmitter to a sound source  
̈ Switch your sound source (e.g. TV) off before connecting  
the transmitter.  
̈ Plug one end of the audio connection cable F into the  
blue socket A on the transmitter.  
̈ Check the available connection possibilities of your  
sound source (e.g. TV):  
Connection possibility Name of connection possibility  
Headphone socket  
RCA socket  
SCART socket  
MKE 800 TV-N external micro-  
̈ Connect the transmitter as described in the corre-  
sponding chapter  
– If there are several connections (  
available, select the SCART socket  
– The MKE 800 TV-N microphone and additional SCART  
Putting the Set 830-TV into operation  
Connecting the transmitter to a headphone socket  
̈ Plug the other end of the audio con-  
nection cable F into the head-  
phone socket on your sound source.  
Is the plug on the audio connection  
cable too small for the headphone  
̈ Plug the adapter to ¼“ (6.3 mm)  
jack socket G onto the audio con-  
nection cable F.  
̈ Adjust the volume of the headphone socket on your  
sound source to a medium level.  
This improves the quality of cordless sound transmission.  
For detailed information, please refer to the instruction  
manual of your sound source (e.g. TV).  
With most TVs, the headphone socket is located at the  
front or sides.  
Connecting the transmitter to an RCA socket  
̈ Plug the adapter for RCA  
socket H onto the audio con-  
nection cable F.  
̈ Connect the red connector of  
the adapter H to the red RCA  
socket R of your sound source.  
̈ Connect the white connector of  
the adapter H to the white or  
black RCA socket L of your  
sound source.  
– With most TVs, the RCA socket is located at the rear.  
If your TV has several RCA sockets, use the socket  
RCA output.  
Putting the Set 830-TV into operation  
Connecting the transmitter to a SCART socket  
̈ Plug the SCART adapter I onto  
the audio connection cable F.  
̈ Connect the SCART adapter I to  
the SCART socket on your TV.  
If your TV has several SCART sockets, use the socket  
SCART output.  
Using the MKE 800 TV-N external microphone  
What if your sound source doesn’t have any of the  
connections mentioned above? What if your sound source  
mutes the external loudspeakers if you use one of the  
connections mentioned above?  
̈ Via the operating menu of your TV, check if the muting  
can be deactivated.  
If the muting persists:  
̈ Use the optional MKE 800 TV-N microphone (see  
To make the sound of your sound source audible:  
̈ Directly connect the microphone to the blue socket A on  
the transmitter.  
̈ Position the microphone in front of the loudspeaker of  
your sound source.  
You can change the sound by varying the position of the  
microphone in front of the loudspeaker.  
Putting the Set 830-TV into operation  
Connecting the transmitter to the mains  
̈ Select the suitable country  
adapter K for your wall socket.  
̈ Slide the suitable country adapter  
onto the mains unit J.  
̈ Connect the yellow connector of  
the mains unit to the yellow  
socket D on the transmitter.  
̈ Plug the mains unit J into a  
wall socket.  
The operation indicator 8 on  
the transmitter lights up green.  
– When connecting the transmitter to the mains  
for the first time, charge the rechargeable  
battery for 3 hours as described in the chapter  
– If there is no audio signal from the sound source for  
about 3 minutes, the transmitter automatically switches  
off. The operation indicator 8 goes off.  
Using the Set 830-TV  
Using the Set 830-TV  
To switch the Set 830-TV system on, proceed as follows:  
Sequence of steps Page  
1. Switch your sound source (e.g. TV) on. The 11  
transmitter automatically switches on.  
2. Adjust the volume on the receiver to a low level. 12,13  
3. Put the stethoset receiver on. The receiver 12  
automatically switches on  
4. Adjust the desired volume on the receiver.  
Switching the transmitter on/off  
To switch the transmitter on:  
̈ Switch your sound source on.  
The transmitter automatically switches on. The operation  
indicator 8 lights up green.  
If the transmitter doesn’t switch on:  
To switch the transmitter off:  
̈ Switch your sound source off.  
The transmitter automatically switches off after  
3 minutes. The operation indicator 8 goes off.  
To disconnect the transmitter from the mains:  
̈ Pull out the mains connector from the wall socket.  
When not using the transmitter for extended periods of  
time (e.g. when you are on holiday), pull out the mains  
connector from the wall socket. In this case, however, the  
receiver’s rechargeable battery will not be recharged.  
Using the Set 830-TV  
Switching the receiver on/off  
Interference due to magnetic fields!  
The receiver generates stronger permanent  
magnetic fields that could cause inter-  
ference with cardiac pacemakers and im-  
planted defibrillators (ICDs).  
̈ Always maintain a distance of at least  
3.94” (10 cm) between the ends of the  
earbows with the ear pads and the cardiac  
pacemaker or implanted defibrillator  
Hearing damage due to high volumes!  
This receiver allows you to set higher  
volumes than conventional headphones.  
This can cause hearing damage in persons  
with healthy hearing and especially in  
̈ Before putting the receiver on, set the  
volume on the receiver to a low value.  
̈ Do not continuously expose yourself to  
high volumes.  
Switching the receiver on  
The receiver automatically switches on  
when you pull the earbows apart.  
Putting the receiver on  
̈ Put the receiver on the correct way  
round, with the Sennheiser logo facing  
away from your body  
adapt to the ear form and thus increase  
the wearing comfort  
The ear pads  
Using the Set 830-TV  
Switching the receiver off  
̈ Take the receiver off.  
The receiver automatically switches off after 30 seconds.  
– For how to store and charge the receiver, refer  
– If you are not within the range of the trans-  
mitter, the receiver automatically switches off  
after 3 minutes.  
Adjusting the volume  
̈ Use the volume control 1 to adjust  
the volume to a sufficient and com-  
fortable level.  
Adjusting the balance  
The balance control allows for right/left  
volume adjustment. Adjust the balance  
so that you hear equally well with both  
̈ Turn the balance control 2 to the  
left L or right R in order to increase the  
volume for the corresponding ear.  
Using the Set 830-TV  
Switching between mono and stereo operation  
If, despite a correct balance adjustment, you can hear the  
sound only with one ear:  
̈ Set the ST/MO switch B on the  
transmitter to MO (mono).  
Meaning of the terms “mono” and “stereo”  
Stereo (ST)  
Mono (MO)  
L + R  
Example: L: Speech from the left  
R: Music from the right  
You hear speech from the  
left and music from the  
You hear speech and music  
coming from the front.  
Using the Set 830-TV  
Individually enhancing the speech intelligibility  
The “speech intelligibility” button 9  
allows you to adjust the sound to your  
individual needs.  
Try out which setting works best for you.  
until the sound is optimally adjusted to your needs.  
Press the  
1 x  
2 x  
3 x  
4 x  
Indicator 0 is  
lit yellow  
Default setting  
If necessary, you can have the speech intelligibility fine  
Using the Set 830-TV  
Storing and charging the receiver  
Do not store the receiver on a glass dummy head, chair  
armrest, or similar for long periods of time as this can  
reduce the contact pressure of the earbows. Furthermore,  
with the earbows pulled apart, the receiver remains  
switched on.  
̈ After use, place the receiver into  
the transmitter’s charging compart-  
ment 4 without exerting too much  
The receiver automatically switches  
When the receiver is placed correctly  
into the charging compartment, the  
indicator 7 lights up:  
red: The battery is being charged.  
green: The battery is fully charged.  
– With a fully charged battery, the operating time is up  
to 12 hours.  
– If you have several receivers, they can be used during  
– Always store the receiver in the transmitter’s charging  
compartment 4 to ensure that it is fully charged. The  
intelligent battery charging technology prevents over-  
Using the Set 830-TV  
Charging a rechargeable battery in the  
transmitter’s charging compartment  
You can charge the receiver’s rechargeable battery or a  
spare BA 300 rechargeable battery (not included in the  
delivery of the Set 830-TV) in the charging compart-  
ment 5 at the side of the transmitter.  
The spare battery offers extended listening time while the  
discharged first battery is being recharged.  
Before using the spare rechargeable battery for  
the first time, charge it for at least 3 hours.  
Removing and charging the receiver’s battery  
To remove the receiver’s battery:  
̈ Pull the battery out of the receiver’s  
battery compartment 3.  
̈ Insert the receiver’s battery into the  
charging compartment 5 at the side  
of the transmitter as shown.  
When the battery is inserted correctly  
into the charging compartment, the  
indicator 6 lights up:  
red: The battery is being charged.  
green: The battery is fully charged.  
̈ Slide the battery into the receiver’s  
battery compartment 3 as far as it  
will go.  
What if...  
What if...  
...this indicator lights up?  
indicator 8  
on the trans-  
lit green Transmitter is switched  
Transmitter is switched  
indicator 7  
lit red  
Rechargeable battery is  
being charged.  
lit green Rechargeable battery is  
fully charged.  
indicator 6  
“Speech intelli- lit yellow Speech intelligibility  
gibility” indi-  
cator 0 on the  
enhancement is  
switched on.  
Speech intelligibility  
enhancement is  
switched off. press this button?  
Selects one of the possible  
settings in order to individu-  
button 9 on ally enhance the speech intelli-  
the transmitter gibility.  
What if... change the position of this control/switch?  
Reduces or increases the  
volume of the receiver.  
Volume control 1  
on the receiver  
Increases the volume for  
the left or the right ear.  
Balance control 2  
on the receiver  
Mono/stereo slide Sets the transmitter to  
mono or stereo operation.  
switchB on the  
Treble adjustment Treble adjustment is only to  
be made by a hearing aid  
technician / an expert.  
control C on the  
transmitter hear warning signals?  
Warning signal  
6 short The receiver does not receive  
beeps any signal from the trans-  
• Transmitter and receiver are  
too distant.  
The receiver switches off  
after 3 minutes.  
• The transmitter is switched  
2 long The rechargeable battery is  
beeps almost flat.  
Cleaning the Set 830-TV  
Cleaning the Set 830-TV  
Cleaning the transmitter and the receiver  
Liquids can damage the electronics of the  
Liquids entering the housing of the devices  
can cause a short-circuit and damage the  
̈ Keep all liquids far away from the devices.  
̈ Do not use any cleansing agents or  
̈ Before cleaning, disconnect the transmitter from the  
̈ Use only a slightly damp cloth to clean the devices.  
Cleaning the ear pads  
̈ Carefully remove the ear pads E from  
the receiver.  
̈ Clean the ear pads E with warm soapy  
water and rinse thoroughly.  
̈ Dry the ear pads E.  
̈ Put the ear pads back on the receiver.  
For reasons of hygiene, you should replace the ear  
pads E from time to time. Spare ear pads are available  
If a problem occurs ...  
If a problem occurs ...  
The transmitter does not switch on  
Possible cause  
Check the connection of the mains  
Is the mains unit  
connected correctly? unit to the transmitter and to the  
Is the sound source Switch your sound source on.  
switched on?  
Is the volume of  
the sound source  
Set the volume on your sound  
source to a medium value.  
Is the transmitter  
set to operating  
mode 2 (see  
Take the receiver out of the  
charging compartment. The trans-  
mitter automatically switches on.  
You cannot hear anything  
Possible cause  
Is there a free line  
of sight between  
receiver and trans-  
Remove obstacles in the light path  
between receiver and transmitter.  
Is the receiver still  
within the trans-  
mitter’s range?  
Move the receiver closer to the  
Are transmitter and Avoid exposure to direct sunlight.  
receiver exposed to  
direct sunlight?  
Are all connectors  
Check the connection between the  
connected correctly? transmitter and your sound source  
Is the operation  
indicator 8 lit?  
Check if the transmitter is switched  
Is the transmitter  
set up the wrong  
way round?  
Set up the transmitter so that the  
cables are guided away from the  
If a problem occurs ...  
Possible cause  
Does the receiver’s Wear the receiver the right way  
Sennheiser logo face round, with the Sennheiser logo  
the transmitter?  
facing the transmitter.  
Is the volume of the Set the volume on your sound  
sound source suffi- source to a medium value.  
Is the volume of the Increase the volume by turning the  
receiver sufficient?  
volume control 1 on the receiver  
Is the rechargeable Remove the rechargeable battery  
battery inserted  
properly into the  
receiver and fully  
and reinsert it into the receiver.  
If this doesn’t help: recharge the  
rechargeable battery  
You hear the sound only with one ear  
Possible cause  
Is the balance  
Turn the balance control 2 to the  
adjusted correctly?  
Is the transmitter  
set to mono?  
Set the mono/stereo switch B  
on the transmitter to the left  
The sound of your sound source is hardly intelligible  
Possible cause Solution  
Is the speech intelli- Press the “speech intelligibility”  
gibility enhance-  
ment out of adjust-  
button 9 on the transmitter  
repeatedly until the sound is  
optimally adjusted to your needs  
Do you use a plasma Make sure that the transmitter is  
TV screen?  
placed as far as possible from your  
Is the receiver still  
within the trans-  
mitter’s range?  
Move the receiver closer to the  
Additional technical information  
The loudspeakers of your TV are muted  
Possible cause  
Via the operating menu of your TV,  
Some TVs have a  
function that mutes check if and how the muting  
the loudspeakers  
when you connect a  
function can be deactivated.  
Use either a different audio  
socket on your TV or use the  
MKE 800 TV-N external microphone  
If a problem occurs that is not listed in the above tables or  
if the problem cannot be solved with the proposed solu-  
tions, please contact your Sennheiser partner for assis-  
Additional technical information  
Fine adjusting the speech intelligibility  
The speech intelligibility can be enhanced individually on the  
There are the following settings:  
Indicator 0 is  
lit yellow  
Fine adjustment  
Treble boost  
Compression and treble boost  
No fine adjustment made  
Additional technical information  
Compression (settings 1 and 3)  
Deterioration of the ability to hear quiet sounds as well as loud ones is  
a typical symptom of old age. Compression compensates for these  
volume differences by boosting the volume of quiet sounds and  
reducing the volume of loud sounds if necessary.  
Compression seems to put the speech in the foreground, making it  
easier to understand.  
Compression is self-regulating; once it has been activated, it is not  
necessary to make any other settings.  
Treble boost (settings 2 and 3)  
Another typical age-related phenomenon is the deterioration of the  
hearing with regard to high frequencies. However, high frequencies are  
important for the intelligibility of speech.  
The treble boost makes the speech clearer and easier to understand.  
With the treble boost (settings 2 and 3), additional fine adjustment is  
possible using the treble boost control C on the rear of the trans-  
̈ Use a screwdriver to turn the treble boost  
control C to the left or right until the sound  
can be heard very well.  
The position “0” corresponds to a minimum  
boost, the position “MAX” corresponds to a  
maximum boost, and the control is factory-  
preset to the medium position.  
Function of the treble boost control  
By means of the transmitter’s steplessly adjustable treble boost  
control C the audio signal is boosted as shown in the diagram.  
The treble boost control C allows you to select one of the curves  
shown in the diagram below.  
Factory preset  
Additional technical information  
Changing the operating mode  
The transmitter can be set to a different operating mode. This is useful  
when the sound of your sound source is very low and the transmitter  
therefore does not always switch on automatically.  
̈ Press the “speech intelligibility” button  
for approx. 5 seconds.  
The indicator 0 goes off. The charging indi-  
cator for the spare rechargeable battery 6  
flashes several times:  
red: operating mode 2  
green: operating mode 1 (factory preset setting)  
If the operating mode was changed success-  
fully, the charging indicator for the spare  
rechargeable battery 6 goes off and the  
indicator 0 lights up again.  
Particularities of operating mode 2:  
In operating mode 2, the transmitter is not switched on by the sound  
signal from the sound source.  
To switch the transmitter on:  
̈ Take the receiver out of the charging compartment.  
To switch the transmitter off:  
̈ Place the receiver into the charging compartment.  
If – in operating mode 2 – you want to use a second receiver and charge  
its rechargeable battery during operation:  
̈ Pull the battery out of the receiver’s battery  
compartment 3.  
̈ Slide the battery into the transmitter’s  
charging compartment 5 as far as it will go.  
Accessories and spare parts  
Accessories and spare parts  
Danger of damage to the device!  
Components from other manufacturers (e.g.  
for power supply or rechargeable battery)  
may cause damage to the device and will  
invalidate the warranty!  
̈ Use only use original Sennheiser accesso-  
ries and spare parts.  
The following receivers are available from your specialist  
Cat. No. Accessory/spare part  
502021 RI 830 S receiver  
502020 RI 830 stethoset receiver  
502023 RI 900 stethoset receiver  
The following Set 830-TV accessories are available from  
your specialist dealer:  
Cat. No. Accessory/spare part  
500898 BA 300 spare rechargeable battery  
528123 Ear pads (silicone, black), 5 pairs  
528124 Ear pads (silicone, transparent), 5 pairs  
528125 Ear pads (foam, black), 5 pairs  
531428 10 swivel joints for ear pads  
517627 Extension cable, 3 m  
(3.5 stereo jack plug)  
500974 MKE 800 TV-N external microphone (mono)  
Carrier frequencies  
Frequency response  
FM, stereo  
2.3 MHz/2.8 MHz  
50 Hz–16,000 Hz  
< 1%  
Charging time for  
rechargeable battery  
approx. 3 hours  
Signal-to-noise ratio  
(1 mV, peak deviation)  
typ. 75 dBA  
10°C to 40°C  
Operating temperature  
up to 12 m within a room  
3.5 mm stereo jack socket  
Power supply  
13.5 V DC/500 mA  
via NT 13 mains unit  
approx. 260 g  
approx. 112 x 146 x 58 mm  
Max. SPL  
125 dB (SPL)  
Power supply  
via BA 300 rechargeable  
Lithium-Polymer battery  
(3.7 V / 150 mAh)  
Operating time  
up to 12 hours  
approx. 68 g (incl. BA 300)  
approx. 240 x 128 x 26 mm  
NT 13 mains unit  
Nominal input voltage  
Mains frequency  
100 V~ to 240 V~  
50–60 Hz  
Max. power consumption 2.4 W (incl. battery charging)  
Nominal output voltage 13.5 V DC  
Nominal output current 500 mA  
Standby consumption  
approx. 0.9 W (w/o battery  
Ambient temperature  
+5°C to +40°C  
The NT 13 mains unit is certified in accordance with the  
legal safety requirements of Europe, the United States,  
Canada, Russia and Japan.  
The devices comply with the following standards:  
EMC: EN 55013, EN 55020  
Safety: EN 60065, EN 61558, EN 60950  
Canada IC ICES-003  
Manufacturer Declarations  
Manufacturer Declarations  
Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG gives a warranty of 24  
months on this product.  
For the current warranty conditions, please visit our web  
CE Declaration of Conformity  
This equipment is in compliance with the essential  
requirements and other relevant provisions of  
Directives 2004/108/EC and 2006/95/EC.  
Batteries or rechargeable batteries  
Please dispose of exhausted batteries and recharge-  
able batteries as special waste or return them to  
your specialist dealer.  
WEEE Declaration  
Please dispose of this product at the end of its oper-  
ational lifetime by taking it to your local collection  
point or recycling centre for such equipment.  
Manufacturer Declarations  
Statements regarding FCC and Industry Canada  
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with  
the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of  
the FCC Rules.  
These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection  
against harmful interference in a residential installation.  
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio  
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accor-  
dance with the instructions, may cause harmful interfer-  
ence to radio communications. However, there is no guar-  
antee that interference will not occur in a particular  
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful inter-  
ference to radio or television reception, which can be deter-  
mined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is  
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or  
more of the following measures:  
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  
• Increase the separation between the equipment and  
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit  
different from that to which the receiver is connected.  
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician  
for help.  
This class B digital equipment complies with the Canadian  
Changes or modifications made to this equipment not  
expressly approved by Sennheiser electronic Corp. may  
void the FCC authorization to operate this equipment.  
Adjusting the balance 13  
Adjusting the volume 13  
Balance control (function) 19  
Charging the receiver 16  
Cleaning 20  
No sound signal 21  
Operating time 16  
Putting the receiver on/taking the receiver off 12  
Sound hardly intelligible 22  
Sound only audible with one ear 22  
Storing the receiver 16  
Switching the receiver on/off 12  
Rechargeable battery  
Charging in the charging compartment 17  
Replacing and charging the rechargeable battery 17  
Special functions  
Changing the operating mode 25  
Fine adjusting the speech intelligibility 23  
Treble boost control 24  
Compression/treble boost 24  
Mono/stereo 14  
Cleaning 20  
Connection to a headphone socket 8  
Connection to a SCART socket 9  
Connection to a sound source 7  
Connection to an RCA socket 8  
Connection to the mains 10  
Enhancing the speech intelligibility 15  
Installation 6  
Operation indicator (meaning) 18  
“Speech intelligibility” indicator (meaning) 18  
Switching between mono and stereo operation 14  
Switching the transmitter on/off 11  
Treble boost control (function) 24  
Troubleshooting 21  
Using the MKE 800 TV-N external microphone 9  
Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG  
Am Labor 1, 30900 Wedemark, Germany  
Printed in China  

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